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Frequently Asked Questions
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How can I obtain a personal digital certificate to use with AFRD?
Does AFRD support mutual Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate based authentication?
Do I have to keep back up files for Import?
Do I need a dedicated Web server to use AFRD?
Who do I call for support on CitiDirect Online Banking?
Do I need a Web server SSL certificate and a personal digital certificate to use AFRD?
What ports must be opened to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), and why?
CitiDirect Event Notification FAQs
CitiDirect BE Mobile FAQs
Can I issue my own Web server SSL certificate?
Hardware required to run CitiDirect on Sun Java software
Standing Instructions and Recurring Payments Functionality
I understand the need for additional security on my payment files (Imports), but why do you require Export files to be encrypted and signed with AFRD?
Continuity of Business
Can I use a different Web server those specifed (IIS, Apache, Netscape/iPlanet) for AFRD through CitiDirect?
Can I receive notifications of trade discrepancy messages?
What happens if my file is not on the Web server when AFRD through CitiDirect goes out to retrieve my file?
How is Event Notification associated to the CitiDirect platform?
What should I do, or who can I contact for help, in the event I don’t receive an alert?
Can I set up my firewall to filter on the IP range that Citigroup uses?
What is Entrust Entelligence software? Do I need an Entrust certificate to use AFRD?
Does CitiDirect return acknowledgements on AFRD events?
Java Package Manager Messages
What information can I receive notifications on?
Do I need a personal digital certificate when using AFRD?
Can I receive notifications on non-Citibank accounts?
Who has entitlements to use the Run Now option to execute a Schedule?
How can I get a customized application that performs encryption/decryption for AFRD?
What are the Connectivity and Throughput tests?
How do I properly add a link to my Favorites list for the CitiDirect Web site?
What steps should be taken to ensure that the Run Now option could be used if the Schedule Owner is unavailable?
How do I do client linkage?
Daylight Saving Time's New Start: March 11, 2007 in U.S. and parts of Canada and the Caribbean; No action required by CitiDirect users.
Does CitiDirect offer a solution for initiating both domestic and international payments?
CitiDirect BE Mobile - Trade Advisor Frequently Asked Questions
Favorites Reports Functionality
In what languages is CitiDirect Online Banking available?
Cross-border Payment Service offered through CitiDirect
How do I use my SafeWord Card for CitiDirect Online Banking?
What is Event Notification?
Are my alerts or notifications secure?
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