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CitiDirect Online Banking - Getting Started
Check My PC
 Check My PC   
Run Check My PC to see if your PC meets the minimum software requirements to run CitiDirect.
Check My PC  with Sun Java Software. Click this link for information on running CitiDirect on Sun Microsystems Java Software (JRE).
Test Secure Sockets Layer   Test your Internet Connection for SSL Protocol.

System Requirements
 System Requirements   
Hardware and Software required to run CitiDirect.
Browser Settings  Internet Explorer Browser Settings to run CitiDirect
Certified Versions of Sun Java Software for CitiDirect  A list of the versions of Sun Microsystems™ Java Software certified for use with CitiDirect® Online Banking.
Cookies  Setting Internet Explorer to Allow for Cookies on Your PC
Java Scripts  Setting Internet Explorer for Java Scripts
Proxy Server  Setting Internet Explorer for a Proxy Server (if your system has one)
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Frequently Asked Questions
Here is where you can find your
for receiving help with products, service or technical inquiries.