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Recently, e-mail users have been targeted by a global Internet scam. Intended to collect critical personal and financial information, the scam begins with a fraudulent e-mail that appears to be from a legitimate bank.

These e-mails typically ask users to update their personal information, confirm their account status, or try a new online banking feature. An embedded link within the e-mail sends them to a bogus Web site that oftentimes looks similar to an actual online banking site.

In addition to other sensitive data, users are asked to enter account user name and password under the guise of verifying who they are. Unfortunately, this information can then be used to gain access to real accounts online.

We at Citigroup believe it is important that all online banking users are aware of such types of fraud. As a result, we've put together a brief list of what you can do to protect your financial data should you receive an e-mail similar to that described above.

  • As a rule, don't provide personal data, Social Security Number, account or credit card information over the phone or via the Web unless you've initiated the transaction.

  • Review the URL provided to ensure it leads to a valid Web site. For instance, check the spelling or compare it against the known URL you use to access your online banking application.

  • Review the sender e-mail address to verify that it is from a valid e-mail account. If the e-mail address appears suspicious in any way, notify your bank immediately.

  • Don't reply to any e-mail that requests your personal information.

  • Leave any suspicious sites if you suspect that a Web site is not what it purports to be. Do not follow any of the instructions it presents.
As a provider of online banking services, Citigroup does frequently communicate with its clients via e-mail. The majority of these communications are to provide you with information and updates about our services. We will never send an e-mail asking for passwords, credit card numbers, or other sensitive information. If you're required to enter personal information to perform a transaction, it's always done on a site secured with SSL technology - you can tell because there'll be a padlock icon at the bottom of your screen. Most important, if you click on the padlock, a security certificate will pop up. In it, there's a section that says "Issued to:." If it's really a Citibank site, then the URL will end in ",, or"

Should you receive an e-mail purporting to be from Citigroup, Citibank, Citi or Citicorp asking for such highly sensitive information, please report it to your Citibank Service Representative immediately. Or you can view existing fraudulent e-mail letters and/or fill out an online e-mail fraud report by simply clicking the link below.

Citibank E-mail Fraud Alert


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