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As a valued user of CitiDirect Online Banking, we wanted to notify you of an upcoming change to your Automated File and Report Delivery (AFRD) service.

As of January 23rd, CitiDirect Online Banking will institute a new AFRD procedure to clean up the scheduling system of failed schedules. We will automatically move all failed file export and report schedules to your Repair Required (Req’d) queue that meet the below requirements:
  • An intraday or daily schedule that fails to run successfully for one month
  • A weekly or monthly schedule that fails to run successfully for three months
This procedure will occur weekly, but will NOT impact failed file import schedules.

The failed file export and report schedules can be deleted or updated and resubmitted for processing by anyone who has rights to modify the schedule. Click here to download common reasons why a scheduled file export or report may fail and how you can potentially update the schedule to run successfully.

By moving consistently failing schedules to the Repair Required queue, CitiDirect Online Banking will free up valuable application resources used in processing all clients’ scheduled items, and will reduce the number of exceptions reported in your AFRD exception report.

If you have not already done so, please sign-up to receive proactive alerts through CitiDirect Online Banking’s Event Notification service. You can receive an alert via e-mail or e-mail enabled devices notifying you when scheduled file exports do not get delivered or a scheduled report does not run. This value-added feature helps you keep on top of your scheduled items, so you have more control over your cash activities. As an AFRD client you already have access to this alert feature. Click here to view a Web-based training guide on how to register for the alerts.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact your local CitiDirect customer service representative.

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