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System Requirements
CitiDirect® Online Banking can run on the following versions of Sun Microsystems™ Java™ 2 Runtime Environment (JRE): Steps to Download Sun JRE

You can download Java Software (JRE) to run with CitiDirect from the Oracle Web Site by following the steps below.

1. Go to:

Note: This link is located on another server. By clicking the link, you will be leaving Citibank's site. Citibank is providing this link for your convenience, and it does not imply sponsorship or approval of this non-Citibank site.

This other site may permit you to download and install software. You are responsible for complying with all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, any import/export or use laws to which you may be subject and obtaining and required license or authorization.

2. Click the Begin Download button and follow the on-screen installation instructions provided by Sun.

System Requirement Associated Links